Alpine consists of a set of mini-apps that makes use of exascale computing capabilities to numerically solve some classical problems in plasma physics. It is based on IPPL (Independent Parallel Particle Layer), a framework that is designed around performance portable and dimension independent particles and fields. In this work, IPPL is used to implement a particle-in-cell scheme.The article describes in detail the following mini-apps: weak and strong Landau damping, bump-on-tail and two-stream instabilities, and the dynamics of an electron bunch in a charge-neutral Penning trap. We benchmark the simulations with varying parameters such as grid resolutions (512 3 to 2048 3 ) and number of simulation particles (10 9 to 10 11 ). We show strong and weak scaling and analyze the performance of different components on several preexascale architectures such as Piz-Daint, Cori, Summit and Perlmutter.