Structure and climate of the east North Atlantic are appraised within a framework of in situ measurement and altimeter remote sensing from 08^608N. Long zonal expendable bathythermograph/conductivityt emperature^depth probe sections show repeating internal structure in the North Atlantic Ocean. Drogued buoys and subsurface £oats give westward speeds for eddies and wavelike structure. Records from longterm current meter deployments give the periodicity of the repeating structure. Eddy and wave characteristics of period, size or wavelength, westward propagation speed, and mean currents are derived at 208N, 268N, 32.58N, 368N and 488N from in situ measurements in the Atlantic Ocean. It is shown that ocean wave and eddy-like features measured in situ correlate with altimeter structure. Interior ocean wave crests or cold dome-like temperature structures are cyclonic and have negative surface altimeter anomalies; mesoscale internal wave troughs or warm structures are anticyclonic and have positive surface height anomalies.