This paper makes two points. First, we show that the line-of-sight solution to cosmic microwave anisotropies in Fourier space, even though formally defined for arbitrarily large wavelengths, leads to position-space solutions which only depend on the sources of anisotropies inside the past lightcone of the observer. This foretold manifestation of causality in position (real) space happens order by order in a series expansion in powers of the visibility γ = e −µ , where µ is the optical depth to Thompson scattering. We show that the contributions of order γ N to the CMB anisotropies are regulated by spacetime window functions which have support only inside the past light-cone of the point of observation. Second, we show that the Fourier-Bessel expansion of the physical fields (including the temperature and polarization momenta) is an alternative to the usual Fourier basis as a framework to compute the anisotropies. The viability of the Fourier-Bessel series for treating the CMB is a consequence of the fact that the visibility function becomes exponentially small at redshifts z 10 3 , effectively cutting off the past light-cone and introducing a finite radius inside which initial conditions can affect physical observables measured at our position x = 0 and time t0. Hence, for each multipole there is a discrete tower of momenta k i (not a continuum) which can affect physical observables, with the smallest momenta being k 1 ∼ . The Fourier-Bessel modes take into account precisely the information from the sources of anisotropies that propagates from the initial value surface to the point of observation -no more, no less. We also show that the physical observables (the temperature and polarization maps), and hence the angular power spectra, are unaffected by that choice of basis. This implies that the Fourier-Bessel expansion is the optimal scheme with which one can compute CMB anisotropies.