“…As a result, many countries around the world is modernizing the cadastral database from legacy cadastre or relative cadastre to accurate coordinate based cadastre known as Positional Accuracy Improvement (PAI) (Donnelly & Hannah, 2006;Yaron A. Felus, 2007;Fradkin & Doytsher, 2002;Hesse, Benwell, & Williamson, 1990;Hope, Gordini, & Kealy, 2008;Klebanov & Doytsher, 2009;Morgenstern, Prell, & Riemer, 1989;Tamin, 1995). PAI is classified as a process of improving the position of the geometry coordinates of a feature in a geospatial dataset to better reflect its actual position (Rönsdorf, 2008).…”