The quantitative approach, survey technique, analysis of statistical test data Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-SEM) Wrappls version 7, questionnaire data collection tool and documentation, the population of 3,999 and sample of 254 teachers, 29 public and private SMKs, research locations (3) hinterland districts: Sanggau, Sekadau, Landak districts; (3) coastal districts: Sambas, Mempawah and Kuburaya districts; (2) the city of Pontianak and the city of Singkawang. From the results of the study it was found that entrepreneurial behavior towards affective commitment has a positive and significant effect, the hypothesis is in a unidirectional relationship and can enhance each other; Entrepreneurship on achievement is positive and significant, the hypothesis is in a unidirectional relationship and can increase each other; Affective commitment to achievement is positive and significant, has a one-way relationship and can improve; Entrepreneurial behavior on achievement through affective commitment has a positive and significant effect, the hypothesis is in a unidirectional relationship and can enhance each other. This investigation has been able to foster a new model of affective commitment and the development of the concept of achievement in SMKs throughout West Kalimantan.