An industrial approach to the use of artificial vision is worked, and we are searching for the improvement of the welding process using a robotic arm. These kinds of robots in the last years have been associated to high accuracy tasks like classification, welding, object manipulation, assembly, and so on. Generally, the artificial vision is not used in works which use manipulator arm; this is normally due to the robot programmer who plans the robot task, which is executed cyclically, however, there are some approaches where different tasks using artificial vision are implemented. In this chapter, we present a retrofitting process of a manipulator welder arm Miller MR-2000, and the development of an artificial vision system, which could be used in the positioning of the machine. The developed system is able to look for areas suitable for the welding task between two pieces of material within a workspace; this process is possible using techniques of computational vision and image processing. Subsequently, the algorithm calculates the number of welding points based on the area identified previously, and finally, it sends the respective coordinates by means of G code to the robot for welding the pieces.