Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) is manifested in up to 40% of gastric cancer (GC) patients, after which their 5-year survival drops to less than 5%. The currently most acceptable treatment option for advanced GC (AGC) is systemic chemo and radio therapies with however generally very unsatisfying results and this led to a resurgence of interest in regional therapies like cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). Small trials have indicated an association with prolonged survival when applying this technique to AGC manifesting with PC. High procedure-related morbidity and mortality associated with the CRS-HIPEC approach have however brought by a polemic on the merits of the latter: with the advent of regulatory approval of more effective as well as novel, more personalized treatment options in AGC, along with advances in tailoring investigational agents specifically for peritoneal delivery, there clearly is a need to outline the appropriate role of CRS-HIPEC in this disease.In a clear objective to improve the therapeutic efficiency of HIPEC, there have been immense developments in the technical aspects of this technology including the use of nanotechnology in more precise drug delivery systems (DDS) or choice of more efficient drugs such as gene-target technology, laparoscopy and so on. Henceforth, in this review, we will be highlighting the past and current status of the CRS + HIPEC procedure, shedding light on the pros and cons in order to boost up the efficiency of this multimodality approach.