Suppose that R is an excellent local domain with maximal ideal mR. The theory of multiplicities and mixed multiplicities of mR-primary ideals extends to (possibly non Noetherian) filtrations of R by mR-primary ideals, and many of the classical theorems for mR-primary ideals continue to hold for filtrations. The celebrated theorems involving inequalities continue to hold for filtrations, but the good conclusions that hold in the case of equality for mR-primary ideals do not hold for filtrations.In this article, we consider multiplicities and mixed multiplicities of R by mR-primary divisorial filtrations. We show that some important theorems on equalities of multiplicities and mixed multiplicities of mR-primary ideals, which are not true in general for filtrations, are true for divisorial filtrations. We prove that a theorem of Rees showing that if there is an inclusion of mR-primary ideals I ⊂ I ′ with the same multiplicity then I and I ′ have the same integral closure also holds for divisorial filtrations. This theorem does not hold for arbitrary filtrations. The classical Minkowski inequalities for mR-primary ideals I1 and I2 hold quite generally for filtrations. If R has dimension two and there is equality in the Minkowski inequalities, then Teissier and Rees and Sharp have shown that there are powers I a 1 and I b 2 which have the same integral closure. This theorem does not hold for arbitrary filtrations. The Teissier Rees Sharp theorem has been extended by Katz to mR-primary ideals in arbitrary dimension. We show that the Teissier Rees Sharp theorem does hold for divisorial filtrations in an excellent domain of dimension two.We also show that the mixed multiplicities of divisorial filtrations are anti-positive intersection products on a suitable normal scheme X birationally dominating R, when R is an algebraic local domain.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 13H15, 13A18, 14C17.