The ratio R of helium double-to-single ionization cross sections was measured for Ne ,0+ and Ni 28+ projectiles at velocities of 0.39 < vp/c < 0.93 intending to explore the high-velocity limit of R for highly charged ion impact. For Ne ,0+ projectiles R was observed to become independent of vp for vp/ciZ0J3 and an asymptotic experimental value R = (2.57 ±0.10)x 10 -3 has been established. This is in good agreement with experimental results for proton, antiproton, electron, and positron impact and in excellent accordance with the theoretical prediction of (2.59 ±0.03) x 10 ~3.PACS numbers: 34.50.FaThe most simple and therefore fundamental dynamical many-electron problem in atomic collision physics is the simultaneous transfer of two helium electrons into excited or continuum states by energetic charged particle or photon impact. The central potential of the helium nucleus is comparably weak and the correlated motion of the two electrons before, during, and after the collision plays an essential role in such a situation. Thus, static and dynamic correlation between the electrons both have considerable influence on the magnitude of even total cross sections for helium double ionization (), one finds experimentally [1,2] a constant value at large r/>, which is independent of the velocity.In this so-called high-velocity limit, the perturbation by the projectile is so small that the probability for its simultaneous and independent interaction with both target electrons (so-called "two-step" mechanism), which is the reason for double ionization in an independent electron model, can be completely neglected. Double ionization is induced by only one single interaction of the projectile with one target electron (single ionization). It solely occurs due to the electron-electron interaction and the ratio 7?=cr 2+ /<7 1+ therefore is extremely sensitive to the details of the time-dependent electronic motion. This is underlined by the fact that R is about a factor of 5 larger for energetic photon [3] than for charged particle impact. As a further consequence, the high-velocity limit of R is predicted to be independent of the sign of the projectile charge q and velocity vp. Systematic experiments with singly charged projectiles for electron [4,5], proton [6], antiproton [7,8], and positron [9] impact indeed yielded identical ratios within the experimental errors between 0.24% and 0.28%. This value is in good agreement with theoretical results of ab initio calculations by Ford and Reading [10] for charged particle impact of R =0.259%.For highly charged ion impact it is expected that R should settle at the same asymptotic value. Since in first order the perturbation is proportional to ...