1I ntroductionThe creep, which is at ime-dependent plastic deformation, takes place at certain temperature and loading stress [1][2][3]. In recent years, the creep behavior of polymers is of great interest in the academy and industry because of its significant influences on the dimensional stability,l ong-term durability,a nd reliability.C onsequently,i mproving the creep resistance of polymer has attracted interest in science and engineering. Ac ommon and convenient method is the addition of inorganic nanoparticles [4][5][6].I ti sr ecognized that with the addition of al ow content of inorganic nanoparticles, the creep resistance of polymer could be significantly improved. However,i ti sa lso reported that the addition of nanoparticles, such as clay,r educed the creep resistance of polymer due to the decrease of crystal size and degree of crystallinity [7,8].B esides, it has been demonstrated that the existence of intertube sliding or stick-slip [9] may give rise to an increase in creep rate under low stress [10].O n the other hand, polymer blending has been proved to be an economical, rapid, and versatile method to obtain desirable creep properties in the industrial field [11,12].I ti so bserved that blending low-creep-speed PS with high-creepspeed PE appears to improve the creep performance of the final composite with reduced creep speed [13].It is now well accepted that as an insensitive high explosive (IHE) with the advantages of moderately energy output and excellent thermally stability,1 ,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene (TATB) is extensivelyapplied in military field [14][15][16].T he polymer-bonded explosives (PBXs) based on TATB, such as LX-17 (92.5 %T ATBa nd 7.5 %k el-F800 by weight) and PBX-9502 (95 %T ATBa nd 5% kel-F800 by weight) have been developed in the last decades [17][18][19]. The creep relaxation behavior of PBX is ac omplicated process, which is affected by many factors, for instance, the type of explosive, the percentage and type of binder,t he stress level and test temperature [20,21].H igh fidelity measurements of time-dependent creep strain in the plastic-bonded explosives LX-17 and PBX-9502 were carried out and it has been revealed that the creep and recovery behavior of PBX is dependent on the percentage of binder, the stress level and test temperature [22].H owever,r esearches on the effects of the type of binder on the creep performance of TATB-based PBX are relatively limited.PBXs are typically bi-phase composite materials consisting of am ixture of explosive crystals and ap olymeric binder.G enerally,t he explosive component comprises 80-95 %o ft he mass of the composite. Although the ratio of the polymer binder component is limited to al ow value, the component and proportion of polymer binder have am arked influence on the properties of PBX, such as thermal decomposition behavior,m echanical properties, failure form, aging resistance, and sensitivity [23][24][25][26][27][28].As one kind of the most commonly used binders, fluoropolymer has the advantages of good physical an...