Summary:In order to investigate the validity of the single compartment model in measuring CBF with the use of 150-labeled water (H2150), dynamic positron emission to mography (PET) was performed following bolus injection of H2150. Careful attention was paid to accuracy in the measurement system (especially for the input function). In the region of the putamen, which includes the smallest mixture of gray and white matters in addition to the small est contamination of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) spaces, the partition coefficient obtained was 0.88 ± 0.06 (ml/g).The discrepancy from the prediction estimated from the brainlblood water content ratio was only 7%. This finding suggests that there is no more complicated model than the Over the last decade, various techniques for in vivo measurement of CBF have been developed us ing 150-labeled water (H2150) and positron emission tomography (PET) (Frackowiak et aI., 1980; Lam mertsma et aI., 1981 Lam mertsma et aI., , 1982 Huang et aI., 1982 Huang et aI., , 1983 Raichle et aI., 1983; Herscovitch et aI., 1983;Kanno et al., 1984Kanno et al., , 1987 Alpert et aI., 1984; Koeppe et aI., 1985; Iida et aI., 1986). In these reports, single com partment approximation (Kety, 1951(Kety, , 1960) is com monly employed for modeling the tracer kinetics.Recently, some investigators have raised concern about the accuracy of this model. Their questions were based on the following unexpected observa- Received November 17, 1988; revised June 5, 1989; accepted June 14, 1989.Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. H. Iida, Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Research In stitute for Brain and Blood Vessels, Akita, 6-10 Senshuu Kubota-Machi, Akita City, Akita, 010 Japan.Abbreviations used: CBV, cerebral blood volume; C150, 150_ labeled carbon monoxide; DP, dorsalis pedis artery; FA, femoral artery; H2150, 150-labeled water; LV, left ventricle of heart; PET, positron emission tomography; PVE, partial-volume effect; RA, radial artery; ROI, region of interest.
874usual single compartment one to describe the physiolog ical behaviour of 150 water. On the other hand, in the other cortical regions, the discrepancy was larger (e.g., about 12% for the insular cortex and 26% for the frontal cortex) than in the region of the putamen, and a signifi cant fit-interval dependence was observed in the calcu lated parameters. These observations suggest a signifi cant effect of tissue heterogeneity and/or contamination with nonperfusable spaces in actual clinical PET data. Other possible explanations for the above phe nomena have also been explored from the point of view of inaccuracies in the measurement system, i.e., timing error in the input function (Iida et aI., 1988a; Koeppe et aI., 1987; Dhawan et aI., 1986)