Modernisation of marine power plants in the transport vessel fleet to satisfy the requirements of the International Maritime Organization is an urgent scientific and technical problem. Currently, the use of catalytic selective filters, dry and wet scrubber systems and exhaust gas recirculation for marine diesel engines is widely used for this purpose. An analysis of the use of ejection gas-air coolers is presented as an additional method of emission reduction. However, the use of such device does not neutralise the harmful emissions of power plant engines, but only increases the volume concentration of their exhaust gases. But this will help to increase the efficiency of dispersion of harmful emissions, by reducing the concentration of harmful emissions to values not exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations. Its efficiency depends on the load mode of the diesel engine. It is found that the initial concentration of harmful substances in combustion products due to their dilution with fresh air at 100% engine load is reduced by about 50%. The values of the reduction of the concentration and temperature of exhaust gases with the reduction of the engine load to 75% and 50% depending on the louvre angle are obtained. It is proved that ejection gas-air coolers can be an effective additional means for compliance with modern environmental parameters, especially when vessels are in special areas of the world’s oceans.