The FETI domain decomposition method for solving large-scale problems in computational structural mechanics involves the solution of an interface problem, which is handled by a Preconditioned Conjugate Projected Gradient (PCPG) algorithm. Two preconditioners are widely used to accelerate the convergence of the iterative PCPG algorithm: the optimal Dirichlet preconditioner and the economical lumped preconditioner. The Dirichlet preconditioner is computationally more efficient than the lumped preconditioner for ill-conditioned problems, but needs additional storage for the stiffness matrices of the subdomains' internal degrees of freedom (d.o.f.). In this study a new set of PCPG preconditioners is presented by providing approximate expressions to the inverse iteration matrix of the PCPG algorithm. The resulting approximate Dirichlet preconditioners are obtained by using instead of the whole stiffness matrix of the internal d.o.f. in each subdomain the following alternatives: a diagonal scaling matrix, a SSOR type matrix or an incomplete Cholesky factorization matrix. The computational behavior and performance of the proposed PCPG preconditioners is evaluated using an implementation of the FETI method on a cluster of ethernetnetworked PCs running the message passing software PVM. It is demonstrated that the FETI method equipped with the approximate Dirichlet preconditioners leads for a number of large-scale problems to faster and less storage demanding overall solutions than with either Dirichlet or lumped preconditioner.
IntroductionThe method of Finite Element Tearing and Interconnecting (FETI) is an efficient and well-documented parallel solution approach for large-scale structural problems (Farhat and Roux 1994a;Bitzarakis et al. 1997). According to the FETI method the domain is partitioned into a set of totally disconnected subdomains and the global problem is replaced by subdomain equations of equilibrium subject to the compatibility of the subdomain displacements across the subdomain interfaces. The resulting interface problem, which is in general indefinite due to the presence of floating subdomains, is handled by a Preconditioned Conjugate Projected Gradient (PCPG) algorithm.A platform for parallel computing that is continuously gaining popularity over the last years is the cluster of computers, which consists of several computers networked by a Local Area Network (LAN). Such clusters provide program developers and users with a familiar and costeffective environment for high-performance computing. The cluster's computers are usually interconnected, however, via inexpensive but slow LANs (the most commonly available is the classical ethernet network), which are usually not dedicated to specific users and may suffer heavy communication loads. Thus, to deal with the low communication speed that most LANs can offer, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) algorithms require specialized implementations exploiting the characteristics of such networks. In this work the FETI method is applied on a cluster of ethernet-network...