In highly sparse reward composite tasks, agents often face a lack of reward feedback within fixed time steps, leading to getting trapped in local optima and compromising their ability to effectively explore superior strategies. Skill learning is one approach to increase the density of reward signals, enabling adaptation to multi-stage tasks and expediting the learning process. However, contemporary methods for skill acquisition heavily rely on online asynchronous training. Although certain intrinsic motivation approaches excel at addressing sparse reward challenges, they suffer from issues of low sampling efficiency and limited interpretability of skills. These challenges hinder the speed of model learning and severely impede the reusability of skill policies. In this study, we employ expert demonstration data to facilitate the learning of skill policies, aiming to accelerate the convergence of the model while increasing the utilization of sample data. Subsequently, we engage in interactive learning with the environment. Additionally, we define an evaluation criterion for skill redundancy to encourage the selection of the most cost-effective skill strategy among similar skill policies that manifest between initial and final states. This process helps the agent efficiently and effectively accomplish complex tasks. Our objective is to minimize ineffective and redundant exploration and learning during the skill acquisition process. We evaluate our approach in the simulated UGV-Pyramid and simulated UGV-Hallway tasks, both implemented using Unity3D modeling. The results demonstrate the superiority of our algorithm compared to previous skill learning methods.