“…Similar results have been obtained by De Santis et al ( 2020) that have applied a multi-parametric study to the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake, by analysing furthermore methane exhalations [as suggested by Cui et al (2019)], electron density fluctuations, and magnetic field measurements from Swarm satellites (Friis-Christensen et al, 2006;Zhu et al, 2019). The results can be summarized as follows: 1) precursor times would be much longer than those identified by other papers (especially about ionospheric precursors which seem to occur only a few hours to days before large seismic events) (see for example Heki, 2011;He and Heki, 2017;Yan R. et al, 2017); 2) the preparation phase would be much longer than few days [as also suggested by Liu et al (2020), Marchetti et al (2019), Marchetti et al (2020), Sugan et al (2014), Giovambattista and Tyupkin (2004)]; claimed precursors would follow the empirical Rikitake (1987) law, recently confirmed for ionospheric precursors from the satellite by De Santis et al (2019a). In any case, it is a complex task to monitor several or all atmospheric effects due to the LAIC mechanism that also include linear cloud structures (the "earthquake clouds" that would repeat the shape of the tectonic structure in the sky (Jones and Stewart, 1997;Nissen et al, 2012); OLR [Ongoing Longwave Radiation-infrared emission at 10-13 μm recorded above the clouds (Ouzounov et al, 2007)]; jet streams (Wu, 2007); etc.…”