This paper outlines a simple approach to evaluate habitability of terrestrial planets by assuming different types of planetary atmospheres and using corresponding model calculations. Our approach can be applied for current and future candidates provided by the Kepler mission and other searches. The resulting uncertainties and changes in the number of planetary candidates in the HZ for the Kepler February 2011 data release are discussed. To first order the HZ depends on the effective stellar flux distribution in wavelength and time, the planet albedo, and greenhouse gas effects. We provide a simple set of parameters which can be used for evaluating current and future planet candidates from transit searches. Subject headings: Astrobiology --atmospheric effects --methods: data analysisEarth --planets and satellites: general -stars: individual (Kepler)
IntroductionThe NASA Kepler mission recently announced 1235 planetary candidates (Borucki et al. 2011). We use atmospheric models to explore the potential for habitability of Kepler planetary candidates.The habitable zone (HZ) concept was proposed for the first time by Huang (1959Huang ( , 1960 and has been calculated by several authors after that (see e.g. Rasool&DeBergh 1970, Hart 1979,1978, Kasting et al. 1993, Selsis et al. 2007, Williams&Pollard 2002, Peña--Cabrera & Durand--Manterola 2004, Buccino et al. 2006, VonBloh et al. 2007, Spiegel et al. 2009). The main differences are in the climatic constraints imposed on the limits of the HZ by these studies. We focus on the circumstellar HZ, that was defined by Kasting et al. (1993) as an annulus around a star where a planet with an atmosphere and a sufficiently large water content like Earth can host liquid water permanently on a solid surface. This definition of the HZ implies surface habitability because it is defined to allow remote detectability of life as we know it. Kepler planetary candidates with radii below 2 Earth's radii are consistent with models of potentially rocky planets.The two edges of the HZ are influenced by the relationship between the albedo of the planet and the effective temperature of the star (Fig.1). In this definition the inner edge of the HZ is defined as the location where the entire water reservoir can be vaporized by runaway greenhouse conditions, followed by the photo-dissociation of water vapor and subsequent escape of free hydrogen into space. The outer boundary is defined as the distance from the star where the maximum greenhouse effect fails to keep CO 2 from condensing Kaltenegger & Sasselov 2011 accepted ApJL 2 permanently, leading to runaway glaciation. Subsurface life that could exist on planets or moons with very different surface temperatures is not considered, because of the lack of atmospheric features that could be used to remotely assert habitability on such an object (Rosing 2005). We will not discuss the issue of life emerging in other solvents here.Note that a planet found in the HZ is not necessarily habitable, since many factors may prevent habitabili...