Riparian ecosystems in tile semi-arid West of North America are diverse but have many simi larities. The mountainous landscape with wide range of latitude, longitude, and elevation offers diverse opportunities for streamside vegetation. All riparian ecosystems in the region are dependent on supplemental water, usually from the shallow, valley alluvial aquifer. Western riparian ecosystems provide several ecological services. They stabilize streambanks, trap sediment, improve water quality, and help control or modulate hydrologic processes. They function as habitat Ior many western animal species, serving as a small mesic island or strip within an arid landscape. They also serve as recreational sites for humans. Riparian systems are controlled by interacting hydrologic and geornorphic processes. Floods may alter river channel characteristics and the extent of riparian vegetation while enhancing recruitment of riparian species and recharging the alluvial water table. Geomorphie features, such as canyons and valleys, control the size of the riparian zone, as well as depth of the water table. Driving variables may differ from north to south, especially hydrology. For example, northern riparian zones are influenced by ice scour, while southern zones often have flash floods. Riparian systems occur along spatial and temporal gradients. Along elevational gradients, riparian vegetation may change from simple deciduous forests to mixed deciduous to coniferous and possibly alpine wetlands. Differences among channel, terrace, and upland plant communities decrease with increasing elevation as moisture stress decreases. Temporal gradients occur within a location in the riparian zone as early pioneer communities such as cottonwood/willow give way to late successional communities such as mesquite or sagebrush, often a consequence of sediment accumulation. Many similarities among western riparian ecosystems exist because several dominant genera (e.g., Populus) are common throughout the West, and many geomorphic and hydrologic processes that influence riparian establishment are similar, Western riparian ecosystems have been greatly altered by human activity. Major factors include natural resource use, urbanization, alteration of stream flows through dam construction and ground-water withdrawal, modification of biotic conditions through grazing, agriculture, and introduction of non-native species, and alteration within watersheds. Better understanding of the ecology of western riparian ecosystems will increase potential for restoration and protection of remaining areas.