Iron is a transition metal whose physicochemical properties make it the focus of vital biologic processes in virtually all living organisms. Among numerous roles, iron is essential for oxygen transport, cellular respiration, and DNA synthesis. Paradoxically, the same characteristics that biochemistry exploits make iron a potentially lethal substance. In the presence of oxygen, ferrous iron (Fe 2؉ ) will catalyze the production of toxic hydroxyl radicals from hydrogen peroxide. In addition, Fe 3؉ is virtually insoluble at physiologic pH. To protect tissues from deleterious effects of Fe, mammalian physiology has evolved specialized mechanisms for extracellular, intercellular, and intracellular iron handling. Here we show that developing erythroid cells, which are taking up vast amounts of Fe, deliver the metal directly from transferrin-containing endosomes to mitochondria (the site of heme biosynthesis), bypassing the oxygen-rich cytosol. Besides describing a new means of intracellular transport, our finding is important for developing therapies for patients with iron loading disorders.
IntroductionAlthough its requirement for life in almost all known organisms has been recognized for decades, some of the most fundamental cell biologic processes of iron (Fe) still elude modern science. Mammalian physiology demands a constant source of bioavailible Fe, which is a functional component of hemoproteins, iron-sulfur cluster containing proteins, and other iron proteins. However, in its reduced form (Fe 2ϩ ), iron catalyzes the production of toxic hydroxyl radicals through Fenton chemistry, while the ferric version (Fe 3ϩ ) is virtually insoluble at physiologic pH. [1][2][3] Nevertheless, the adult human body contains approximately 4 g of Fe, more than 80% of which is in hemoglobin (Hb). 4 Under normal conditions, around 2 million red blood cells (RBCs) are produced per second. Hence, erythropoiesis requires approximately 25 mg of iron, daily, all of which is delivered via transferrin (Tf). The plasma contains approximately 3 M diferric Tf, the Fe of which is concentrated in maturing erythroid tissue to the equivalent of 20 mM iron, in the form of Hb. This exceptionally rapid utilization of the potentially toxic metal requires stringent regulation mechanisms that permit efficient production of hemoglobin, while protecting developing red blood cells and other tissues from iron's harmful properties. 5 Virtually every tissue acquires its iron by receptor mediated endocytosis of Tf (for review, see Richardson and Ponka 6 and Hentze et al 7 ): Diferric Tf binds to its cognate receptor on the cell surface; this binding is succeeded by internalization of the receptorligand complex. The release of Fe from Tf is achieved within the endosome by a lowering of the vesicular pH through the activity of the v-ATPase proton pump. After its liberation from Tf in the acidified endosome, Fe must be reduced (possibly by the recently identified Steap3 8 ) before it is transported across the vesicular membrane by the divalent metal transp...