“… Breese (1899) is usually credited with the discovery of monocular rivalry ( O’Shea, 1998 ; O’Shea, Parker, La Rooy, & Alais, 2009 ; van Boxtel, Knapen, Erkelens, & van Ee, 2008 ; Wade, 1977 ) although Tong (2001) suggested that the phenomenon was described by Helmholtz (1867a) . We next give the evidence for Tscherning’s primacy, we argue that Helmholtz was describing some other phenomenon, and we add independent accounts of monocular rivalry from Breese (1899) , McDougall (1901 , 1906 ), Honisett and Oldfield (1961) , Crovitz and Lockhead (1967) , Campbell and Howell (1972) , and Sindermann and Lüddeke (1972) . We begin, however, with a brief review of the phenomenon.…”