The properties of the isotropic incompressible ν = 5/2 fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state are described by a paired state of composite fermions in zero (effective) magnetic field, with a uniform px +ipy pairing order parameter, which is a non-Abelian topological phase with chiral Majorana and charge modes at the boundary. Recent experiments suggest the existence of a proximate nematic phase at ν = 5/2. This finding motivates us to consider an inhomogeneous paired state -a px + ipy pair-density-wave (PDW) -whose melting could be the origin of the observed liquidcrystalline phases. This state can viewed as an array of domain and anti-domain walls of the px + ipy order parameter. We show that the nodes of the PDW order parameter, the location of the domain walls (and anti-domain walls) where the order parameter changes sign, support a pair of symmetry-protected counter-propagating Majorana modes. The coupling behavior of the domain wall Majorana modes crucially depends on the interplay of the Fermi energy EF and the PDW pairing energy E pdw . The analysis of this interplay yields a rich set of topological states: (1) In the weak coupling regime (EF > E pdw ), the hybridization of domain walls leads to a Majorana Fermi surface (MFS), which is protected by inversion and particle-hole symmetries.(2) As the MFS shrinks towards degenerate Dirac points, lattice effects render it unstable towards an Abelian striped phase with two co-propagating Majorana modes at the boundary. (3) An uniform component of the order parameter, which breaks inversion symmetry, gaps the MFS and causes the system to enter a non-Abelian FQH state supporting a chiral Majorana edge state. (4) In the strong coupling regime, EF < E pdw , the bulk fermionic spectrum becomes gapped; this is a trivial phase with no chiral Majorana edge states, which is in the universality class of an Abelian Halperin paired state. The pair-density-wave order state in paired FQH system provides a fertile setting to study Abelian and non-Abelian FQH phases -as well as transitions thereof -tuned by the strength of the paired liquid crystalline order.CONTENTS * These authors contributed equally to the work.