This is the third supplement to the NBS Special Publication 366, Bibliography on Atomic Line Shapes and Shifts (1889 through March 1972). It contains about 600 references and covers the literature from June 1975 through June 1978. As before, the bibliography contains five major parts: (1) All general interest papers are catalogued according to the broadening mechanisms (and, further, according to special topics under several of the mechanisms) and as to whether the work is a general theory, a general review, a table of profiles or parameters, a comment on existing work, a study of general experimental measurement techniques, or an experimental effort of general importance. Also included are selected papers on important applications of line broadening and on miscellaneous topics relating to atomic spectral line shapes and shifts. (2) In Part 2 all papers containing numerical data are ordered as to element, ionization stage, and broadening mechanism (in the case of foreign gas broadening the perturbing species are listed), and it is indicated whether the data are experimentally or theoretically derived. (3) While in the two preceding parts of the bibliography the references are listed for brevity by identification numbers only, in Part 3 all references are listed completely by journal, authors, and title and are generally arranged by year of publication and alphabetically by authors' names within the year. (4) This section contains a list of all authors and their papers. (5) A final section provides corrections or additions to the second supplement to the original bibliography.