1 Verification of time α variations is of primary importance, but it should be taken into account that α variations are connected with variations of other coupling constants and masses of fundamental particles.
Accuracies of ESM constants at different energy scalesThe fine structure constant is the most employed coupling constant, which in the Gauss In QCD framework a dependence of α c =g c 2 /4π on a transferred momentum (g c is acoupling constant between color quarks and gluons) can be evaluated with the perturbation theory and a renormalization scheme thereafter can be tested experimentally for transferred momenta larger than a QCD scale constant Λ QCD ≡ Λ c . The Λ c value is about several hundredsMeVs and depends on a number of active quarks participating in a process [1,28,29]. The Eq.(2) for the "running" coupling constant take place in a gauge theory and in doing so in the QED: β 0 = -4/3, in the GWS theory: β 0 = 10/3, at n f = 6, in the QCD: β 0 = 7, at n f = 6. Another parameter Λ c is used in the QCD instead of µ: Λ c 2 = µ 2 exp(-4π/β 0 α c (µ 2 )).Hence the QED coupling constant α grows when Q 2 increases, while α w and α c diminish and The value of the electromagnetic coupling at low energies (the fine structure constant α or the Sommerfeld constant), at present is most accurately determined from the measurement of the electron anomalous magnetic moment a e [30] The α value increases still further when the energy grows and at the Z-boson mass scale is (with an accuracy ∼7.1⋅10Note that these α variations depending on an energy scale manifest themselves at energies which are higher then energies of atomic transitions, i.e. energy scale α variations do not directly relate with very slow time variations considered below (see, e.g., [17]).The accuracy of determination of SM physical observables is very high in measurements of lepton anomalous magnetic moments a l . As it noted above the α value has the highest precision from a e measurement data. Notice that there is the discrepancy between the predicted and experimental value of muon magnetic moments at the 3,4 σ level, that indicates possible a contribution of "new physics" effects [33]. Moreover there is the intriguing difference (∼ 3,2 σ) between the values of the effective Weinberg angle measured from lepton and hadron contributions: sin 2 (θ eff ) l =0.23113(21), sin 2 (θ eff ) h =0.23222(27) [33].It is known, that quark masses cannot be measured in free states or any macroscopic external field, they have not classical limits unlike, for example, the electron mass [34]. In the QCD one cannot put a quark mass value at some "natural", "physical" scale. Quark masses are not uniquely defined, they depend on a renormalization scheme and their values m(µ) are governed by the following equation [1, 5]:where γ is an anomalous dimension, that is known in the perturbation theory up to fourth order, for instance, When momentum values are of order of magnitude Λ c , it is necessary to take into account nonperturbative contributions, which are dominating at ...