Micro-fabric characteristics and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating results are presented to discuss the controlling agents and timing of beachrock cementation on the fresh-water Iznik Lake shoreline. The beachrocks are made up of grain-supported polygenic conglomerate containing 20.42% carbonate with encrusted grains, basically as micrite coatings, isopachous aragonite rims, cryptocrystalline void fills and meniscus bridges. The optical ages of twelve samples yielded ages that range from 4.226±0.569 ka on the lowermost beds to 0.706±0.081 on the uppermost. This is the first report of precipitation of marine-like cements in Iznik Lake. The abundant aragonitedominated cement is likely indicative of precipitation-prone dry evaporative conditions from the climatic optimum to the last millennia.