The energy shift of lines arising from the decay of the (np5(n + 1)s2)2P3/2 autoionizing states in Na (n = 2) and Cs (n = 5) atoms has been studied for the first time in ejected-electron spectra measured over the excess energy range −0.1 to 5.4 eV. In Na spectra, the energy dependence of the shift possesses a clear oscillatory-like character. In particular, the shift becomes of negative or positive sign depending on the presence or absence of a negative-ion resonance structure in the excitation function of the (2p53s2)2P3/2 state. Earlier, we reported a similar behaviour of the line shift for the (3p54s2)2P3/2 autoionizing state in K atoms. Though in Cs atoms the strong negative-ion resonance is also present close to the excitation threshold of the (5p56s2)2P3/2 state, in contrast to Na and K data, the energy dependence of the line shift possesses a smooth asymptotic behaviour described well by the classical model of the post-collision effect. The comparative analysis of the spectroscopic classification of the resonance structure in the excitation of the (np5(n + 1)s2)2P3/2 autoionizing states in Na, K and Cs atoms has shown that the observed effect most probably reflects the complication of the compound character of resonances. In whole, the obtained data show that under the condition of the high polarizability of a resonantly excited target the relation between polarization attraction, centrifugal and Coulomb repulsion becomes a crucial factor which determines the final energy distribution of outgoing electrons.