This study explored the challenges faced by municipalities in South Africa in the implementation of the Municipal Standard Chart of Accounts (mSCOA). The study adopted a qualitative approach, following an interpretive ontology, and a purposive sampling technique was used. The City of Tshwane in Gauteng Province was used as a unit of analysis; primary data was collected using virtual interviews as well as open-ended questionnaires, and secondary data was obtained in various documents on mSCOA implementation. The study revealed that there is a low mSCOA implementation level in the City of Tshwane. Furthermore, the study found that numerous challenges influenced the low implementation level. These challenges include resistance to change, a lack of adequate training on mSCOA implementation, a lack of personnel, a lack of pre-consultations, and poor system vendor skills transfer. The study recommends involving implementers in the concept and inception phases of any new reform.