Recent years have seen an explosion of protest movements around the world, and academic theories are racing to catch up with them. This series aims to further our understanding of the origins, dealings, decisions, and outcomes of social movements by fostering dialogue among many traditions of thought, across European nations and across continents. All theoretical perspectives are welcome. Books in the series typically combine theory with empirical research, dealing with various types of mobilization, from neighborhood groups to revolutions. We especially welcome work that synthesizes or compares different approaches to social movements, such as cultural and structural traditions, micro-and macro-social, economic and ideal, or qualitative and quantitative. Books in the series will be published in English. One goal is to encourage nonnative speakers to introduce their work to Anglophone audiences. Another is to maximize accessibility: all books will be available in open access within a year after printed publication.
Series Editors
ACETLet's audit European debt obligations to Tunisia ("Auditions les créances européennes envers la Tunisie") ACiDe Platform for a Citizen Audit of the Public Debt in Belgium ("La plateforme d'audit citoyen de la dette publique en Belgique") Afrodad African Forum on Debt and Development CADTM Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt ("Comité pour l'abolition des dettes illégitime," formerly "Comité pour l'annulation de la dette du tiers monde") CAC "French Collective for a Citizen Audit of the Public Debt" ("Le collectif pour un audit citoyen de la dette publique") CPE