For the first time we observed Rayleigh-Plateau instability with formation of satellite domains at droplet coalescence. Investigations were made using a Hele-Shaw cell in the twophase region at nematic-isotropic phase transition. In previous works on quasi-2D coalescence it was considered that before start of coalescence there exists a bridge between the outer fluid connecting regions on the two sides of the droplets (outer bridge). After start of coalescence a bridge connecting the two droplets appears (droplet bridge) and the outer bridge is broken. For the first time we have shown that there are coalescence processes when after start of coalescence the outer bridge continues to exist. This cardinally changes the coalescence process. During the first coalescence stage the size of the outer bridge decreases, the size of the droplet bridge increases. During the second stage the outer bridge becomes unstable with pinch-off, formation of pointed end domains, secondary instability, splitting of pointed end domains and formation of satellite domains. Our work connects two directions of fluid dynamics: coalescence and breakup related with Rayleigh-Plateau instability.