In this work, we study an inflationary scenario in the presence of Generalized Chaplygin Gas (GCG). We show that in Einstein gravity, GCG is not a suitable candidate for inflation; but in a five dimensional brane world scenario, it can work as a viable inflationary model. We calculate the relevant quantities such as ns, r and As related to the primordial scalar and tensor fluctuations, and using their recent bounds from Planck and BICEP2, we constrain the model parameters as well as the five-dimensional Planck mass. But as a slow-roll inflationary model with a power-law type scalar primordial power spectrum, GCG as an inflationary model can not resolve the tension between results from BICEP2 and Planck with a concordance ΛCDM Universe. We show that going beyond the concordance ΛCDM model and incorporating more general dark energy behaviour, this tension may be eased. We also obtain the constraints on the ns and r and the GCG model parameters using Planck+WP+BICEP2 data considering the CPL dark energy behaviour.PACS numbers: 98.80.-k,98.80.Cq