“…Such short-term synaptic plasticity has been divided into processes of synaptic enhancement that increase transmitter release and synaptic depression (D) that decrease release. Components of enhancement include facilitation, augmentation (A), and potentiation (P), with time constants of Ͻ1 sec, ϳ7 sec, and tens of seconds to minutes, respectively (Mallart and Martin, 1967;Rosenthal, 1969;Magleby and Zengel, 1976a;McNaughton, 1982;Poage and Zengel, 1993). Components of depression include very fast, fast, and slow components with time constants of recovery of Ͻ0.5 sec, ϳ6 sec, and tens of seconds to minutes, respectively (Takeuchi, 1958;Magleby, 1973b;Dittman and Regehr, 1998;Wu and Betz, 1998;Stevens and Wesseling, 1999b;Wesseling and Lo, 2002) In this report, we study the interaction between augmentation and the fast (ϳ6 sec) component of depression to determine whether augmentation continues to enhance transmitter release when depression dominates the response.…”