The prosodic systems of the world’s languages vary widely in their complexity. In this paper, we report on a prosodic pattern in Žiri Slovenian, which displays an intricate set of interactions between tone, stress, quantity, and vowel quality. Some of the prosodic patterns are well motivated (e.g. the preference of High tone syllables to be stressed) while others lack phonetic or phonological motivation (e.g. the preference of long vowels to fall on the second syllable of a trochaic foot). Žiri also displays a rare case of interaction of prosody with vowel quality. To confirm productivity of the observed patterns, we conducted a wug experiment that tested the dependence of stress on vowel quality, word length, and tone. All in all, this paper brings forth new instances of phonetically unmotivated phonological processes at the suprasegmental level, which appear less discussed than at the segmental level. We also discuss methodological issues arising from artificial experiments on tonal processes.