Objective: To present a case of an iatrogenic inner ear third window after vestibular schwannoma microsurgery. Patients: A 42-year-old male presented 9-months after leftsided retrosigmoid approach for an intracanalicular vestibular schwannoma with hearing-preservation attempt performed elsewhere. Immediately postoperatively, he developed the following disabling and persistent symptoms on the ipsilateral side: autophony, pulsatile tinnitus, high-pitched ringing tinnitus, and hearing his footsteps. He denied vertigo. Otoscopy was normal. Tuning fork ( 512-Hz) lateralized to the left and Rinne was negative on the left. Audiogram demonstrated a severe mixed hearing loss and 10% aided word-recognition score. High-resolution CT demonstrated violation of the common crus and dehiscence of bone along the medial vestibule suggestive of an iatrogenic inner ear third window. Interventions: Labyrinthectomy and concurrent cochlear implantation. Main outcome measures: Resolution of third window symptoms, open-set speech recognition, tinnitus suppression.Results: Patient reported immediate resolution of third window symptoms after labyrinthectomy and cochlear implantation. He demonstrates open-set word recognition of 64% at 1-year postoperatively and tinnitus suppression with his cochlear implant on. Conclusions: Iatrogenic third window symptoms can occur after hearing-preservation vestibular schwannoma microsurgery. Patients with sufficient hearing preservation who are disabled by third window symptoms yet lack sound clarity and useful hearing may be considered for labyrinthectomy and concurrent cochlear implantation. This intervention effectively extinguishes third window symptoms by destroying residual auditory function and simultaneously provides an opportunity to restore useful hearing and suppress tinnitus, thereby enhancing overall quality of life.