The possible increased risk of dislocation with a posterior approach for femoral hemiarthroplasty is attributed to disruption of the posterior soft-tissue structures, including the posterior capsular ligament structure and short external rotators of the hip. In this surgical technical note, we demonstrate the surgical technique for shoelace suturing of the external rotators and the capsule with use of ULTRATAPE. After prosthesis stem insertion, shoelace suturing using ULTRATAPE was performed between the great trochanter and the external rotators for preventing the external rotators from tearing. Also, ULTRATAPE was sewed alternately on the split capsule like shoe lacing, and it was laced up from proximal to distal in line with the split as shoelaces tied down. The shoelace suturing technique using ULTRATAPE after a posterior approach to the hip joint, possibly lowers risks of tearing hip capsular ligament and external rotators and stabilizes the posterior wall.