Coincidence detection is important for functions as diverse as Hebbian learning, binaural localization, and visual attention. We show here that extremely precise coincidence detection is a natural consequence of the normal function of rectifying electrical synapses. Such synapses open to bidirectional current f low when presynaptic cells depolarize relative to their postsynaptic targets and remain open until well after completion of presynaptic spikes. When multiple input neurons fire simultaneously, the synaptic currents sum effectively and produce a large excitatory postsynaptic potential. However, when some inputs are delayed relative to the rest, their contributions are reduced because the early excitatory postsynaptic potential retards the opening of additional voltage-sensitive synapses, and the late synaptic currents are shunted by already opened junctions. These mechanisms account for the ability of the lateral giant neurons of crayfish to sum synchronous inputs, but not inputs separated by only 100 sec. This coincidence detection enables crayfish to produce ref lex escape responses only to very abrupt mechanical stimuli. In light of recent evidence that electrical synapses are common in the mammalian central nervous system, the mechanisms of coincidence detection described here may be widely used in many systems.Despite the importance of coincidence detection in many systems (1), including Hebbian learning (2-4), binaural localization (5-7), and visual attention (8, 9), the cellular mechanisms responsible for such detection are not well understood. Brevity of transmitter action, short postsynaptic membrane time constants, and rapidly activating outward currents that are triggered by excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) can contribute to selective responsiveness to coincident stimuli (10-13). We report here that the properties of rectifying electrical synapses enable precise coincidence detection by a postsynaptic neuron that receives excitatory inputs from a converging array of these synapses. Coincidence detection is therefore an emergent property of rectifying synapses in a convergent network. Converging networks of this kind are realized in the afferent pathway to the lateral giant (LG) neuron of the crayfish, a command neuron for a tail flip escape reaction. We found that this network displays the predicted high degree of selection for coincident inputs.
Theoretical.Each model neuron is a single electrical compartment with Hodgkin-Huxley conductances (14), and an electrical rectifier (Fig. 1A, diode symbol) with a voltage dependence similar to that of the giant motor synapse of crayfish (15, 16). For both model neurons, G NaMax ϭ 720 S, G KMax ϭ 216 S, G L ϭ 1 S, E Na ϭ ϩ45 mV (relative to a Ϫ70 mV rest potential), E K ϭ Ϫ82 mV, E L ϭ Ϫ60 mV, and C (compartmental capacitance) ϭ 6 nF. These values are equivalent to those of the Hodgkin-Huxley model of the squid axon calculated for a temperature of 19°C and are not critical for the operation of the model. For the rectifying elect...