Introduction: Post-operative impairment of gastrointestinal tract function and metabolic consequences occur in patients after gastrectomy by Roux-en-Y method. Short-chain fatty acids and silicon dioxide may prove beneficial in the treatment of these conditions. Aim: To evaluate a preparation containing propionic acid and silicon dioxide on the body weight, number of stools and their consistency (the Bristol scale), and pain and a feeling of gastric fullness after a meal, in patients after gastrectomy by Roux-en-Y method. Material and methods: Measurements were performed at the beginning of the study, on day 7 and 14 of application (Colostop ® ; Miralex, 2 × 15 g/day). Results and conclusions: Initially the average daily number of movements was 10/day, after the therapy it was 3.8/day. At the beginning of the study, 3 patients described their faeces as type 6 and two as type 7 on the Bristol scale. After supplementation, 3 patients described stool consistency as type 5, and two as type 4. Initially, patients rated their pain at 3.4/10 on average, the stomach fullness as 4.6/10. At the end of the study, 3 patients did not feel any pain, while others reported pain at 1/10. Four patients described their feeling of gastric fullness as 1/10, and 1 no longer observed this feeling. Patients disclaimed any adverse effects, and satisfaction after therapy reached 9-10/10 points. Patients' body weight did not change significantly. An improvement in standard diet tolerance was observed. Despite the limited study group, clinical benefits of the supplementation were observed.