BackgroundAnaesthesiology is a branch of medicine involved with the care of surgical patients before, during and after surgery, as well as the management of pain. 1 Training to become an anaesthesiologist is one of the many domains of postgraduate medical education that can be pursued. The World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) 2 defines postgraduate medical education as "the phase in which doctors develop competencies under supervision towards independent practice after completion of their basic medical qualification". The objective of any postgraduate medical education programme is to produce specialists who can provide the highest quality of care to their patients. 2 An important development in medical training programmes since the year 2000 has been the move towards competencybased education -"the notion that an expert physician is defined by a broad set of identified competencies". 3
Many competencyResults: A total of 85 (78.7%) anaesthetic registrars participated in this study. The mean total (SD) adapted ATEEM score was 116.5 (16.9) out of a total of 164. The total scores for male and female registrars were 118.4 (13.5) and 115.3 (18.7) respectively (p = 0.419). First-year registrars scored 121.6 (14.3), second years 111.1 (19.0), third years 111.4 (14.6) and fourth years 122.3 (18.7) (p = 0.003). Junior and senior registrars scored 117.1 (17.0) and 115.7 (17.1) respectively (p = 0.708). The three hospitals were scored 112.3 (19.5), 119.8 (16.4) and 115.4 (12.0) respectively (p = 0.187). The mean scores for the five domains were autonomy 25.4/32 (3.1), perception of atmosphere 31.6/44 (5.4), workload/supervision/support 17.3/28 (3.5), perception of teachers and teaching 14.3/20 (2.9), and learning opportunities and orientation to learning 27.9/40 (5.1).
Conclusion:The theatre educational environment is perceived as more positive than negative, but with room for improvement. With the availability of a validated instrument to assess the educational environment quantitatively, regular quality assessments of the educational environment should be included in the training institution's practice.