Recent major advancements in the technique and intraoperative management have significantly improved outcomes of hepatic surgery (1). However, post-operative liver failure remains a significant complication, responsible for 60% to 100% of deaths after liver resection (1-4).Considering the rising prevalence of parenchymal liver disease and the increased use of potentially hepatotoxic neoadjuvant chemotherapy, more patients are and will be at risk of post-hepatectomy liver failure (PHLF) (5,6).While initial liver insufficiency (ILI), whereby serum bilirubin and international normalized ratio (INR) rise in the first 24 to 72 hours following hepatectomy, is frequent, it is most often transient (7) 65.0%; P=0.03).
Conclusions:In patients who experience post-hepatectomy ILI, HP is associated with improved recovery, potentially indicating more efficient liver regeneration. Further studies should explore the usefulness of posthepatectomy HP as an early prognostic factor of recovery from ILI.