This is the third in a projected series of six postirradiation examinations of Peach Bottom High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor driver fuel elements. Element ElU-01, the subject of this report, was one of the 60 driver elements (out of a total of 80U) that contained zirconium boride pellets within a hollow spine. It was also one of the few predimensioned elements, which therefore allowed accurate determination of dimensional change due to irradiation service. The element received an equivalent of 897 full-power days irradiation prior to scheduled termination of Core 2 operation. The examination procedures emphasized the determination of fission product distributions in the graphite portions of the fuel element. Continuous axial scans indicated a 137 Cs inventory of 0.21+ Ci in the graphite sleeve and 0.0V7 Ci in the spine at the time of element withdrawal from the core. In addition, the nuclides 134 Cs, 110m Ag, 6o Co, and 154 Eu were found in the graphite portions of the fuel element in significant amounts. Radial distributions of these nuclides plus the beta-emitters 3 H, 14 C, and °Sr were obtained at three axial locations within the fueled region of the element. The radial dissection was accomplished by use of a manipulator-operated lathe in a hot cell. In addition to fission product distributions, the appearance of the component parts of the element was recorded photographically, fuel compact and graphite dimensions were recorded at numerous locations, and metallographic examinations of the fuel were performed.