The AFC-3C, AFC-3D, and AFC-4A capsule irradiations were irradiated at the Idaho National Laboratory Advanced Test Reactor. These irradiations were planned to test several different fast reactor fuels that could be used to facilitate ultra-high burnup applications in sodium fast reactors. Several different alloys, fuel geometries, bonding materials, and the use of additives were tested in ferritic-martensitic HT-9 cladding. The AFC-3C and 3D experiment took various different U-Mo, U-Zr, U-Pd-Zr, U-Mo-Ti-Zr, and U-Mo-Ti-Zr-Pd alloys to burnups of 2.1% to 4.5% FIMA (fissions per initial heavy metal atoms) and fission densities of 6.13x10 20 to 1.27x10 21 fissions / cm 3 . These alloys were evaluated against the historical fuel performance of previously irradiated fuel from literature. Fuel performance was irradiated through a suite of postirradiation examination techniques including neutron radiography, gamma spectrometry, dimensional inspection, fission gas release measurements, chemical burnup analysis, and optical microscopy. The irradiations were performed at relatively aggressive temperatures that resulted in significant interaction between the cladding and the fuel in many cases. In spite of this, there were no in-pile cladding breaches in these tests. The U-Zr alloys performed better than the U-Mo or U-Mo-Ti-Zr alloys. Some of the fuel-cladding interaction issues seen in helium bonded annular fuel that was not machined to tight tolerances appear to have been resolved by machining the outer diameter of annular fuel in this irradiation. Higher Zr concentrations in additive bearing fuel appears to have improved the performance of Pd additive fuel.Baseline Postirradiation Examination of the AFC-3C, AFC-3D, and AFC-4A Experiments iv