“…These observations thus corroborate the finding that PPC only sparsely projects to MEC. It is noteworthy that the retrograde rabies tracing showed substantial labeling in dorsal PrS, caudal PaS, POR, and RSC already after 2 days (not shown), corroborating that these areas provide major inputs to MEC (Caballero-Bleda and Witter, 1993Witter, , 1994van Haeften et al, 1997;Burwell and Amaral, 1998a,b;Jones and Witter, 2007;Canto et al, 2012;Kononenko and Witter, 2012;Czajkowski et al, 2013;Koganezawa et al, 2015;Sugar and Witter, 2016). In view of the observed labeling in all of these areas following anterograde tracer injections in PPC, we infer that PPC might influence MEC most likely by way of these four areas.…”