Gonadotropins which are at high levels in the middle of the fetal life are considerably low in the cord blood and estrogen is measured to be high. The reason for this is the inhibitory effect of increased estrogen levels in the circulation arising from the placenta on gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) pulse generator and pituitary gonadotropins (1, 2). In male fetuses, testosterone levels probably contribute additionally to inhibition (3). Gonadotropin inhibition discontinues with placental seperation, the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis is activated and the hormonal changes which occur are identified as mini puberty (2, 4). The activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis reach a peak level approximately in the 6-8th week after delivery. In this period, the levels of sex steroids are similar to early-middle pubertal levels, but their peripheral effects are not realized (4).In boys, the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) increases approximately 10-fold in the minutes following delivery and the level of tesosterone increases. This state lasts approximately for 12 hours (5, 6). The increase in follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and LH continues in the second week after delivery, reaches a peak in the 4-10 th week, decreases in the 6 th month to the prepubertal levels. The level of testosterone increased by release of luteinizing hormone reaches a peak at around the third month and decreases to the prepubertal levels in the 6-9 th months (1,7,8). Similarly, the levels of 17-hydroxyprogesteron and androstenodione which are increased with testosterone decrease with reduction of the level of LH (2). After delivery, an increase in the number of Leydig cells starts. This increase reaches a peak in the third month. Afterwards, reduction and apopytosis occur in fetal and infantile Leydig cells (9-11). Inhibin-B is a glycoprotein belonging to the family of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) and is released from Sertoli cells in the prepubertal period. It is considered an indicator of sertoli cell function in prepubertal male children, but it does not reflect the number and function of germ cells. Inhibin-B acts as a regulator of release of FSH (1). Inhibin-B can be measured in the cord blood, it increases after delivery, reaches a peak in the 4-12 th month (exceeds the male adult level). It is at a considerably low level at the age of 3-9 years and increases again with the initiation of the puberty (3, 7). Serum inhibin-B levels are low in cases of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (1, 12).Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is a glycoprotein released from the sertoli cells starting from the fetal period. It is found in the cord blood and its level increases in the first 30 months after delivery. It reaches a peak in the 6 th month, starts to decrease
Mini puberty and its interpretation
AbstractGonadotropins which are high in the middle of the fetal life are measured to be considerably low in the cord blood and estrogen is found to be high in the cord blood. Gonodotropins are supressed by estrogen. After delivery,...