Aim: Tonsillectomy procedures are a core element of paediatrics; however, perioperative management differs. This study aimed to describe tonsillectomy management, including the burden of pain, nausea and delayed recovery. Methods: A prospective cohort study was undertaken through an audit of tonsillectomy perioperative practice and recovery and survey interviews with family members 7-14 days post-surgery. The study was undertaken at an Australian tertiary referral paediatric hospital between June and September 2016. Results: The audit included 255 children undergoing tonsillectomy, with 127 family members interviewed. Most participants underwent adenotonsillectomy (n = 216; 85%), with a primary diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea (n = 205; 80%) and a mean age of 7 years (standard deviation; 3.9). A variety of intra-operative pain relief and antiemetics was administered. Pain was present in 29% (n = 26) of participants at ward return, increasing to 32-45% at 4-20 h and decreasing to 21% (n = 15) at discharge. A third of the children (32%; n = 41) had moderate to severe pain at post-discharge interview, and 30% (n = 38) experienced nausea at home. Most parents (82%; n = 104) were still giving regular paracetamol at 7 days post-operatively, and 31% (n = 39) had finished their oxycodone. Of the participants, 14% (n = 26) presented to the emergency department within 7 days of discharge; 8% (n = 20) of the total cohort were re-admitted. Conclusions: There was variety in perioperative and post-discharge care. Pain scores were infrequently documented post-tonsillectomy, and parents are generally dissatisfied with the management of post-operative pain and nausea. Further research is needed to provide a more consistent approach to perioperative management to promote recovery.What is already known on this topic 1 Tonsillectomy is a commonly performed procedure in children. 2 Significant risk of morbidity and delays to recovery continue to exist. 3 Post-operative pain, nausea and vomiting, bleeding and infection remain problematic, contributing to re-presentation to emergency departments and readmission rates.
What this paper adds1 Pain scores are infrequently documented post-tonsillectomy. 2 Parents are generally dissatisfied with the management of postoperative pain and nausea, and the majority of our participants sought additional information from either their local pharmacy or general practitioner post-discharge. 3 Enhanced parental pre-operative education focusing on pain management may benefit children's outcomes.Tonsillectomy, with and without adenoidectomy, is a frequently performed surgical procedure for children world-wide. 1,2 Tonsillectomies are mainly performed for the treatment of adenotonsillar hypertrophy (resulting in sleep-disordered breathing) and recurrent tonsillitis. 1,3 However, despite its safe reputation, tonsillectomies are associated with significant risk of morbidity and delays to recovery. 2,4,5 Post-operative complications include bleeding, respiratory compromise, infection, dehydration, pain,...