IntroductionSince Cattell and Whipple introduced the pancreatojejunostomy for pancreatoduodenectomy(PD) [1] ,pancreatoenteric anastomotic failure (PAF) has been a persistent problem. Current literatures show that the incidence of pancreatic fistula ranges from 2% to 40% with an associated mortality of up to 40% with the severe grade C fistulas [2][3][4][5] . Therefore, pancreatic fistulas associated with the pancreatoenterostomy contribute to a major part of the morbidity and mortality. To prevent failure of the pancreatoenteric anastomosis, a number of techniques have been designed based on modified versions of the techniques of Whipple, Child, Cattell, and others [1,[5][6][7] . Because no method has proven superior to another [6][7][8][9] , continued development of anastomotic techniques is still needed. The pancreas is a solid parenchymal organ with secretory function delivered via a single duct. The pancreatoenteric anastomosis is constructed to connect a solid organ to a hollow abdominal viscus. Regardless of the methods of anastomosis, the goals are to drain the pancreatic duct into the intestinal lumen and to allow the pancreatic stump to fuse with the intestinal wall. Therefore, a successful pancreatoenteric anastomosis relies on the adhesion and healing between the pancreatic stump and the intestinal wall. At the same time, pancreatic juice from the pancreatic duct as well as drainage from the pancreatic stump should drain into the lumen of the intestine.Based on these characteristics, we devised a novel pancreaticojejunostomy techniqueChen's end-to-side penetrating-suture pancreaticojejunostomy (now called Chen's PPJ).The design concept of Chen's PPJ differs from the traditional operations. It considers the pancreas stump as a solid organ (instead of a tubular organ). It uses the pancreatic stump transecting surface (rather than anterior and posterior margins) to anastomosize with the jejunal walls, and each suture penetrates the full thickness of the pancreatic stump and theanterior and posterior walls of the jejunal enterotomy. In addition, a stent into the pancreatic duct drains the pancreatic secretions across the enterotomy. This technique not only ensures a secure pancreatoenteric anastomosis but also allows functional drainage of all pancreatic secretions into the intestinal lumen.This study retrospectively analyzed the clinical data related to the application of Chen's PPJ method at the Department of General Surgery, Taixing People's Hospital. The aim of this study was to investigate the safety, reliability and potential for universal application of this novel technique.
M a t e r i a l a n d M e t h o d s 1. Clinical data:In this study, we retrospectively analyzed 106 surgical cases utilizing Chen's PPD technique in our department from April 2008 to February 2015. Our hospital's Medical Ethics Committee unanimously approved application of Chen's PPJ technique. Among these 106 patients, 55 were male and 51 were female. The mean age was 66 years (range 23-90 years). The presurgical and surgical d...