This article is available online at Supplementary key words ATP binding cassette transporter G1 • high density lipoprotein • cellular cholesterol effl ux • scavenger receptor class B, type I Elevated postprandial hypertriglyceridemia is a characteristic metabolic disorder associated with increased cardiovascular risk ( 1 ). After ingestion of dietary fat, an increase in plasma triglyceridemia is observed, refl ecting transient accumulation of plasma triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRL) of intestinal and hepatic origin, namely, apoB48-containing chylomicrons (CM), apoB100-containing very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), and their remnants. The systemic accumulation of these particles represents a pro-atherogenic consequence of the postprandial period, as they can penetrate the arterial intima at sites of endothelial dysfunction, with retention by the extracellular matrix, thereby contributing to cholesterol accumulation and plaque formation ( 2 ). During the postprandial phase, plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activity is enhanced as a result of an increase in circulating cholesteryl ester (CE) acceptors and/or CETP concentrations ( 3, 4 ). On a quantitative basis, both CM and large VLDL-1 particles represent the preferential acceptors of CE from HDL among TRL during the postprandial phase ( 5 ). This process favors CE enrichment of TRL Abstract Lipid and cholesterol metabolism in the postprandial phase is associated with both quantitative and qualitative remodeling of HDL particle subspecies that may infl uence their anti-atherogenic functions in the reverse cholesterol transport pathway. We evaluated the capacity of whole plasma or isolated HDL particles to mediate cellular free cholesterol (FC) effl ux, cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP)-mediated cholesteryl ester (CE) transfer, and selective hepatic CE uptake during the postprandial phase in subjects displaying type IIB hyperlipidemia (n = 16). Postprandial, large HDL2 displayed an enhanced capacity to mediate FC effl ux via both scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI)-dependent (+12%; P < 0.02) and ATP binding cassette transporter G1 (ABCG1)-dependent (+31%; P < 0.008) pathways in in vitro cell systems. In addition, the capacity of whole postprandial plasma (4 h and 8 h postprandially) to mediate cellular FC effl ux via the ABCA1-dependent pathway was signifi cantly increased (+19%; P < 0.0003). Concomitantly, postprandial lipemia was associated with elevated endogenous CE transfer rates from HDL2 to apoB lipoproteins and with attenuated capacity ( ؊ 17%; P < 0.02) of total HDL to deliver CE to hepatic cells. Postprandial lipemia enhanced SR-BI and ABCG1-dependent effl ux to large HDL2 particles. However, postprandial lipemia is equally associated with deleterious features by enhancing formation of CE-enriched, triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particles through the action of CETP and by reducing the direct return of HDL-CE to the liver. -Julia, Z., E. Duchene, N. Fournier, N. Bellanger, M. J. Chapman, W. Le Goff, and M...