Previously, we reported that bilateral excitotoxic lesions of the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala ( There is considerable evidence that the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) is critically involved in regulating the consolidation of different forms of memory, including explicit͞ declarative memory. Many findings indicate that this amygdala nucleus mediates the memory-modulatory effects of adrenal stress hormones released by emotional arousal (1, 2). Findings of several recent studies from our laboratory indicate that posttraining infusions of the specific glucocorticoid receptor (GR or type II) agonist RU 28362 administered into the BLA induce dose-dependent enhancement of inhibitory avoidance retention (3) and that excitotoxic lesions of the BLA induced before training block the memory-enhancing effects of systemically administered glucocorticoids (4) as well as the memory-impairing effects induced by adrenalectomy (5, 6). BLA lesions also block the memory-enhancing effects of the GR agonist administered directly into the hippocampus (7). These findings suggest that BLA neuronal activity modulates stress-induced memory consolidation processes in, or involving, the hippocampus and are consistent with the view that the BLA is not a locus of memory storage but regulates consolidation processes in other brain regions (2).Extensive evidence indicates that noradrenergic and cholinergic systems in the amygdala participate in modulating memory consolidation (8-13). Although the activation of these two neurotransmitter systems in the BLA may occur under different experimental conditions (14, 15) and induce slightly differential electrophysiological responses in BLA neurons (16-18), they have highly comparable effects on memory consolidation. Posttraining infusion of either a -adrenoceptor or muscarinic cholinergic agonist into the amygdala enhances inhibitory avoidance retention (11,12,19,20), and inactivation of either receptor type in the BLA blocks the memoryenhancing effects of systemic glucocorticoids (ref. 13; and A.E.P., B.R. and J.L.M, unpublished observation). Moreover, previous findings indicate that the BLA is a critical locus of interaction between glucocorticoids and the noradrenergic system in memory consolidation modulation (13, 21).The present experiments examined whether -adrenoceptor or muscarinic cholinergic receptor activation in the BLA is critically involved in enabling facilitation of memory consolidation induced by activation of GRs in the hippocampus. In the first experiment, rats received unilateral microinfusions into the BLA of either the -adrenoceptor antagonist atenolol or the muscarinic cholinergic antagonist atropine 10 min prior to training in an inhibitory avoidance task. The GR agonist RU 28362 was administered ipsilaterally into the dorsal hippocampus immediately after training, and retention was tested 48 h later. In a second experiment, we examined whether BLAhippocampus interactions in memory consolidation involve unilateral projections between these brain reg...