Introduction and objective: Hemophilia is a genetic bleeding disorder inherited as a recessive train linked to the male gender. Bleeding into the central nervous system in patients with hemophilia is an extremely dangerous condition that can be directly life-threatening, if left untreated. Extradural hematoma of the dorso-lumbar region is rare but potentially deadly disease in children. This condition can result in severe neurological deficits. We aim to discuss the clinical, radiological and progressive clinical aspects of this illness.Case report: We report the case of a 5-year-old child with severe hemophilia A treated for extradural hematoma of the dorso-lumbar region resulting from trauma. A spinal magnetic resonance imaging revealed an extradural hematoma. The patient was successfully treated with intensive replacement therapy and did not require surgical intervention. Conclusion: Extradural hematoma is a rare complication of hemophilia, that needs to be looked for in children who have bleeding disorders. For the best neurological outcome, early diagnosis is crucial.