“…This difference between high rates of endorsement of general drinking to cope motives and lower endorsement of drinking to cope with PTSD symptoms specifically confutes the common misconception tainting the self-medication literature to date that drinking to cope with negative affect is synonymous with drinking to cope with traumarelated symptoms specifically. This finding suggests that it is possible the relationship between coping drinking motives and PTSD has been substantially overestimated by previous research (e.g., Grayson & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2005;Kaysen et al, 2007;McCabe, Mohr, Hammer, & Carlson, 2019;Tomaka, Magoc, Morales-Monks, & Reyes, 2017). Moreover, when comparing the frequency distributions of TRD and DMQ-Cope endorsement among PTSD and at-risk alcohol cases versus controls, the distributions of TRD and DMQ-Cope were substantially more dispersed among cases compared to controls, which demonstrated high positive skewness and kurtosis.…”