DOI: 10.1007/bf02852777
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Potassium rate and source effects on potato yield, quality, and disease interaction

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Cited by 79 publications
(73 citation statements)
References 23 publications
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“…These effects, clearly documented in Table 5, have adverse consequences for human health such as obesity and cardiovascular disease, arising from greater oil retention in processed products such as potato chips and french fries. The anion supplied by KCl intensifies the decline in starch or dry matter content and specific gravity 163,238,[241][242][243][244] , and becomes a toxicological concern by enhancing the mobility and plant uptake of soil Cd 239,240,247 . The latter problem has also been reported for cereal crops 208,220 , and may thus be of broader interest for contamination of the food chain, particularly in view of recent clinical evidence linking breast cancer to dietary Cd exposure 248 .…”
Section: ----------------------------------------Kg Ha − 1 ----------mentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…These effects, clearly documented in Table 5, have adverse consequences for human health such as obesity and cardiovascular disease, arising from greater oil retention in processed products such as potato chips and french fries. The anion supplied by KCl intensifies the decline in starch or dry matter content and specific gravity 163,238,[241][242][243][244] , and becomes a toxicological concern by enhancing the mobility and plant uptake of soil Cd 239,240,247 . The latter problem has also been reported for cereal crops 208,220 , and may thus be of broader interest for contamination of the food chain, particularly in view of recent clinical evidence linking breast cancer to dietary Cd exposure 248 .…”
Section: ----------------------------------------Kg Ha − 1 ----------mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Some of these consequences can be avoided by applying K 2 SO 4 instead of KCl. The benefits of this strategy for increasing crop yield and/or quality have been documented in numerous studies with potato 133,163,168,[261][262][263][264][265] and to a lesser extent Table 5. Condensed version of a survey of peer-reviewed and university publications concerning the effect of KCl fertilization on the quality of selected food, feed and fiber crops.…”
Section: ----------------------------------------Kg Ha − 1 ----------mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…O estádio IV ou período de maturação é marcado pelo início do amarelecimento dos caules e a senescência das folhas, indo até o final do ciclo (Roberts & Dole, 1985;Ojala, et al, 1990;Biemond & Vos, 1992). Na ausência de uma curva de absorção de nutrientes, a produção de MS fornece uma boa aproximação do acúmulo de nutrientes (Sousa & Coelho, 2001) e os fatores associados à produção de MS na cultura da batateira são: as práticas culturais, a maturidade dos tubérculos, a disponibilidade hídrica, a eficiência fotossintética e a adubação (Pereira, 1987;Beukema & Zaag, 1990;Chapman et al, 1992;Ewing, 1997;Panique et al, 1997;Fageria et al, 1997).…”
Section: Massa De Materials Seco E Acúmulo De Nutrientes Pela Batateiraunclassified
“…Entretanto, não existem pesquisas que comprovem a maior eficiência dessa fonte para a cultura. Para algumas hortaliças, como batata e berinjela, a utilização de KCl tem proporcionado rendimentos inferiores em relação ao sulfato de potássio (PANIQUE et al, 1997;WUZHONG, 2002). Em tomate, Locascio et al (1997) verificaram diferença significativa entre fontes de K em apenas um entre nove experimentos realizados, no qual o nitrato de potássio proporcionou um rendimento 19% superior ao KCl.…”
Section: Introductionunclassified