Plant diseases are responsible for over 10% loss in global food production and have serious
impacts on world-wide food security across several countries. Amongst these diseases, those
caused by viroids are highly significant, accounting for extensive damage to crops every year
and pose a major economic threat to agricultural crops. Combined infections with viroids, plant
viruses and their satellites further exacerbate the situation. Vector transmission of viroids
necessitates the use of pesticides, thus incurring high costs in addition to eliciting several
detrimental effects on the ecosystem due to the noxious outcomes of pesticide use. The current
review addresses the major economic impacts of viroids on crops, costs to the world economy
and impacts on regions, farmers and consumers in addition to describing remediation measures
to mitigate the losses caused by these subviral agents. Also described are issues relating to the
pros and cons of pesticide use, the compelling need towards sustainable agricultrual practices
while reducing pesticide use. In particular, the role of RNAi and genome editing technologies
towards amelioration of agricultural loss is discussed.