The agricultural sector in Bali Province is increasingly being displaced by other sectors to support tourism. This is indicated by the reduction of agricultural land to non-agricultural land, even though agriculture is a sector that is very much needed by Balinese people to support life both in the present and in the future. The purpose of this study is to explain the analysis of land change, especially agricultural land in Bali Province 2010-2018 and to determine the sustainability of the agricultural sector in terms of production capability in basic the 2015-2020 period by mapping the areas of the base and non-agricultural base sector at the time of analysis and in the future. The research method uses secondary data analysis which is processed using the Skontro Table (assets-liabilities), the calculation of Location Quotient (LQ) calculation. Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ), and LQ-DLQ Typology. The results showed that there was a change in the use of agricultural and non-agricultural land in Bali Province in 2010-2018 where lowland agricultural land always decreased every year. The results of the LQ calculation show that Gianyar Regency, Badung Regency, and Denpasar City are not agricultural-based sector areas and the value of DLQ for each region varies. After mapping in the LQ-DLQ typology, it was found that Quadrant I, namely Jembrana, Tabanan, and Bangli Districts; Quadrant II, namely Badung Regency; Quadrant III, namely Klungkung, Karangasem, and Buleleng Regencies; and Quadrant IV, namely Gianyar Regency and Denpasar City. This indicates that there are only three districts in Quadrant I that are truly superior and prospective for the sustainability of their agricultural sector in the future because they can meet the needs of agricultural products in their own regions and can meet the demands of other regions, and one district in Quadrant II which has the opportunity prospective sustainability of the agricultural sector in the future. The Bali Provincial Government targets a balance between economic sectors so that not only the tourism sector dominates and also seeks to attract millennials to develop agriculture so that the sector can maintain sustainable production.