The effects of sweet potato-shochu distillery by-product on growth of Bifidobacterium in milk were examined to consider its potential use as a food ingredient. Addition of sweet potato-shochu distillery wastewater to 10% skimmed milk powder medium enhanced organic acid production and the numbers of Bifidobacterium lactis BB-12, while increasing its concentration. The low molecular fraction (< 1 kDa) from sweet potato-shochu distillery wastewater had a growth-stimulating effect on Bifidobacterium. The low molecular fraction was separated by gel permeation chromatography to yield the O-1 fraction, whose main component was oligosaccharides consisting of glucose, galactose and uronic acids, and the P-1 fraction whose main component was heterogeneous peptides. A combination of the O-1 and P-1 fractions significantly stimulated growth of Bifidobacterium, although the individual fractions had no effect on Bifidobacterium growth. Of the 10 Bifidobacterium species tested, the sweet potato-shochu distillation wastewater stimulated the growth of Bifidobacterium lactis BB12, Bifidobacterium longum B66, Bifidobacterum infantis JCM 1210 and Bifidobacterum adolesentis JCM 1275. The present results indicate that sweet potato-shochu distillery wastewater can be used as an enhancer of fermentation by Bifidobacterium.Keywords: sweet potato-shochu distillery by-product, Bifidobacterium, growth-stimulating effect, oligosaccharide, peptide *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
IntroductionShochu is a type of alcohol spirit mainly produced in the south of Japan. The volume of shochu produced from sweet potato is increasing, as are its by-products, and disposal of these by-products is a serious environmental problem. Although sweet potato-shochu distillery by-products were previously disposed of in the sea, in recent years, large amounts have been dried and used as fodder (Mahfudz et al., 1996(Mahfudz et al., , 1997Ohtsuka et al., 1998). Sweet potato-shochu distillery wastewater contains numerous components originating from its raw materials, rice malt and yeast (Wu and Bagby, 1987), and is rich in nutrients, including oligosaccharides, peptides, dietary fiber and vitamins. In addition to their high nutritional value, these components have additional physiological properties (Cummings et al., 2001;Mitterdorfer et al., 2001), because of the presence of rice malt and yeast fermentation. Many researchers have reported effects such as inhibition of hypertension (Morimura et al., 2002;Nakamura et al., 2003), anti-cancer action (Omori and Hokazono, 2003), antitumor action (Hirose et al., 2002;Matsumoto et al., 2005;Tsuchiya et al., 2006), antioxidation (Xiu et al., 2004Yoshimoto et al., 2004), and anti-allergic immunomodulating effects (Iguchi et al., 2007). Attempts have therefore been made to use sweet potato-shochu distillery wastewater as a food ingredient; however, few food applications have been successful due to its odor. In considering the application of sweet potato-shochu by-products to the ...